Continuous Disclosure

19 June 2023: Change of Address

Effective 19 June 2023, Resolution Capital’s new office address in Sydney is:
Level 31, 20 Bond Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

(formerly Level 38, Australia Square, 264 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia).


14 February 2022: Change of Fund name and registry

Resolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund (ARSN: 128 112 118 APIR: WHT0015AU) (‘the Fund’) launched as an Exchange Traded Managed Fund (‘ETMF’) on the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”).

To facilitate the ETMF launch:

  • Effective 14 February 2022, the Fund has transitioned unit registry services from Citigroup Pty Ltd to Automic Pty Ltd; and
  • Effective 22 February 2022, the name of the Fund has changed to Resolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund (Managed Fund).

Please note that this results in some important administration changes to the way you manage your account.

What’s changing?

  • Unitholders should have received a new Investor Number.
  • The Product Disclosure Statement and Investor Forms have changed.
  • Details of bank accounts and where to send forms have changed.
  • Access to the online portal have changed.

Unitholders will receive a new Investor Number

Unitholders should have received a communication the week prior to the transition date (14 February 2022) advising them of their new Investor Number and with instructions on how to access the secure online investor portal.

Effective 14 February 2022, unitholders are required to use their new Investor Number for any transactions (including applications, redemptions and changes of details).

New Investor Numbers will appear on all statements from 31 February 2022. If unitholders are unable to access their new Investor Number, please call Pinnacle Client Services on 1300 010 311 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.30pm (Sydney time) or email

Updates to investor forms and Product Disclosure Statement

Effective 14 February 2022, new investor forms are available on the Resolution Capital website

Effective 22 February 2022, a new Product Disclosure Statement will be available on the Resolution Capital website

These documents will include amendments to registry contact and transactional bank account details.

To ensure all instructions are processed promptly, please use the latest versions. Applications and monies sent to our old registry will be accepted until 25 February 2022, however processing times will be slowed. Applications made using the old forms will not be accepted after 30 June 2022.

Details of bank accounts and where to send forms have changed

Effective 14 February 2022 the new registry contact details are:

Postal address
Resolution Capital
c/- Automic Group
GPO Box 5193
Sydney NSW 2001

Fax number
+61 2 8583 3040

Application bank details
Resolution Capital kindly requests you update your records to capture the new application bank account details.

New application bank account valid on and from 14 February 2022:

Bank: Westpac
Payee: Rescap App Account
BSB: 036-051
Account No: 554796
Reference: Account Number (as provided by Automic)

Further information

If you have any questions regarding the transition, or would like more information regarding your investment, please contact Pinnacle Client Services on 1300 010 311 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.30pm (Sydney time) or via email at


17 May 2021: Change of registry notification

As part of Pinnacle Fund Services Limited’s and Resolution Capital’s ongoing commitment to providing high-quality services to our clients, we have transitioned our managed funds to a new Registry Service Provider, Citi Markets and Securities Services effective 17 May 2021.

Please note that this results in some important administration changes to the way you manage your account.

These changes are applicable to each of the following Resolution Capital Funds:

  • Resolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund
  • Resolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund – Series II
  • Resolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund (Unhedged) – Series II
  • Resolution Capital Real Assets Fund
  • Resolution Capital Core Plus Property Securities Fund – Series II

What’s changing?

  • Unitholders should have received a new Investor Number.
  • All PDSs and Investor Forms have been updated.
  • Details of bank accounts and where to send forms have changed.
  • Unitholders will have access to a new online portal.

Unitholders have received a new Investor Number

Unitholders should have received a communication the week prior to the transition date (17 May 2021) advising them of their new Investor Number.

Effective 17 May 2021, unitholders will require their new Investor Number for any transactions (including applications, redemptions and changes of details).

New Investor Numbers will appear on all statements from 31 May 2021. If unitholders are unable to access their new Investor Number, please call Pinnacle Client Services on 1300 010 311 or email

All Product Disclosure Statements and Investor Forms have been updated

Effective 17 May 2021 new Product Disclosure Statements, Additional Information Booklets and investor forms for the funds listed below are available on the Resolution Capital website (click the links to access each Fund’s page).

These documents include amendments to registry contact and transactional bank account details.

To ensure all instructions are processed promptly, please use the latest versions. Applications and monies sent to our old registry will be accepted until 21 May 2021, however processing times will be slowed. Applications made using the old forms will not be accepted after 21 May 2021.

Details of bank accounts and where to send forms have changed

Effective 17 May 2021 the new registry contact details are:

Postal address

Resolution Capital
c/- Citi Unit Registry Australia
GPO Box 764
Melbourne VIC 3001

Fax number
+61 1300 102 151

Application bank details

Resolution Capital kindly requests you update your records to capture the new application bank account details.

New application bank account valid on and from 17 May 2021:

Bank: Citibank
Payee: Pinnacle Application
BSB: 242-000
Account No: 208 953 028
Reference: Your New Investor Number

Further information

If you have any questions regarding the transition, or would like more information regarding your investment, please contact Pinnacle Client Services on 1300 010 311 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.30pm (Sydney time) or via email at


1 January 2021: Notice of change to distribution frequency

Please note effective 1 January 2021 the distribution frequency of the Resolution Capital Funds outlined in the Letter to Unitholders has changed from half yearly to quarterly, payable in the month following the periods ending 30 September, 31 December, 31 March and 30 June. Please review the Letter to Unitholders for more information or refer to the updated Product Disclosure Statement (‘PDS’) and Additional Information to the PDS on the relevant Fund page for more information regarding distributions or the Fund.


1 October 2019: Changes to the Resolution Capital Core Plus Property Securities Fund

Pinnacle Funds Services Limited (ACN 082 494 362) (‘Pinnacle’) as the responsible entity of the Fund, and the current investment manager of the Fund, Resolution Capital Limited (ACN 108 584 167) (Manager) advises the relevant resolution to implement the below changes to the Resolution Capital Core Plus Property Securities Fund ARSN 131 850 363 (the Fund), as set out in the Correspondence dated 3 September was approved by unitholders at the unitholder meeting on 25 September 2019.
In summary and effective 1 October 2019, the following changes were made to the Resolution Capital Core Plus Property Securities Fund.

  • Variation to investment strategy – the investment strategy of the Fund was varied in accordance with the Correspondence to, amongst other things, include Australian and global listed infrastructure in the portfolio of the Fund;
  • Reduction in management fees – the management fees for the Fund was reduced from 0.70% p.a. to 0.65% p.a. There were no changes to how the performance fee is calculated;
  • Change to Fund name – the name of the Fund was changed to ‘Resolution Capital Real Assets Fund’, to better reflect the new investment strategy of the Fund; and
  • Re-open the Fund to new investors – the Fund was re-opened to new investors.

You are welcome to review the notices of the fund changes via the links below.

Letter to Unitholders regarding the proposed changes

Notice of Meeting and Explanatory Memorandum (Correspondence)

Letter to Unitholders confirming Resolution Approval

For more information contact Resolution Capital on 1300 737 240 or Pinnacle on 1300 010 311.